idk why i havent played unbreakable yet i should really get around to it
idk why i havent played unbreakable yet i should really get around to it
Dude it's SOOOO underrated easily one of my favorites.
name of the song?
tekken 1 character select theme
it DIE D... WHY
We all feel that pain.
weird choices of audio at some times but the animation is ok.
also that is not piconjo, that is buttchamber.
All the compressed audio are sounds from new grounds rumble lol. And yes I know that’s butt chamber, I wouldn’t be able to finish it at a right time if I used Piconjo’s actual character
forg friends forgrog frog pals
also i would've joined but i wasn't really motivated and was also working on a big project of mine
Frog Frend!
been a while since i watched your movies but i think you've improved quite a bit
heh, thanks.
newgrounds users zerobombing a decent movie because of the author's shit opinions after claiming that the newgrounds community is chill and friendly
Edit: I don't think I need to, but whatever. There's my honest score.
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shit piss
Formerly known as JoeyTheMarillFan.
Male, he/it
Fast Food Clerk
Nobody In Particular
United States
Joined on 12/15/20