October Recap.
This was honestly a big month for me.
1. Out of nowhere a Piconjo movie of mine got Daily Feature, cool.
2. Star's ex still thinks that she has feelings for him, cool.
3. Piconjo confessed in 3d, cool.
4. Doomguy in smash, cool.
5. Got 2 trophies in one day, cool.
6. Got 3 trophies in one day, cool.
7. Big fan influx, cool.
8. Halloween art collab got Daily Feature and frontpaged, cool.
9. Dr. Good, cool.
10. It burns! Ow! Stop! Help me! It burns!
11. i am so fucking mad
13. where did piconjo go?
14. Lost it.
15. P3n0rween, cool.
16. Had a little talk with Allah, cool.
17. I went with my sister and her Friends On Hallow's Eve, clool.
18. I realized King Of The Portal is decided on Wednesday.
19. No Nut November is retarded.
This November will either be great or terrible, there is no inbetween.