piconjo now in 3d movie maker hi @Piconjo sup wyd wya might make a 3dmm movie for piconjo day 2 electric boogaloo
also piconjo design by @CootieGirl go follow her
also say hi to barney from half-life he's in the background go walk up to him say hi
shit piss
Formerly known as JoeyTheMarillFan.
Male, he/it
Fast Food Clerk
Nobody In Particular
United States
Joined on 12/15/20
Posted by Vidyabatter - September 2nd, 2021
piconjo now in 3d movie maker hi @Piconjo sup wyd wya might make a 3dmm movie for piconjo day 2 electric boogaloo
also piconjo design by @CootieGirl go follow her
also say hi to barney from half-life he's in the background go walk up to him say hi
Posted by Vidyabatter - August 30th, 2021
how do i remove the collaborate thing from my profile i added that in like april and i want to remove it but idk how please tell me
Posted by Vidyabatter - August 26th, 2021
FUCK I forgot to make something for robot day I'm sorry
my pc has been kinda shitty and I have school so hopefully that explains the shortage of content this month
and I haven't had much ideas
Posted by Vidyabatter - August 24th, 2021
might have to send my pc in to get fixed so i might not make anything for a while
Posted by Vidyabatter - August 8th, 2021
made vent art about this specific day but i'm not gonna post it because it's STUPID and i'm gonna be made fun of once more hehehe
Posted by Vidyabatter - August 1st, 2021
so someone scouted me after anonymous frog got unscouted but then i got unscouted? i asked my gf to scout me but right after i'm unscouted again?? what the fuck?? is my art really that bad? what is happening? why is this happening?
Posted by Vidyabatter - July 21st, 2021
I've been planning this for a while, but it's finally here!
Megaman Clock! My own clock crew character! For Clock Day 2021 i'll make a movie known as
"Megaman meets Megaman Clock"
Stay tuned! @megaman-clock
Posted by Vidyabatter - July 4th, 2021
Well, it looks like my game has gotten Daily 5th Place! I'm very happy about that!
Thank you for everyone who supported the game.
To celebrate, I am giving out another DLC code that you can enter in-game!
Pac-Peecha Minigame - 616374
10 Peechas - 169261
Check out my other projects!